Simple Steps to Adopting in Florida
Did you know there are more than 120,000 children and teens in the foster care system who are yearning to find their forever families? Sadly, every year, many children age out of the foster care system without ever finding that family. However, right now you have the power to change that statistic!
"Why Adopt?”, you ask? There are many reasons people may want to adopt. Adoption can give hopeful parents the opportunity to raise a child or children they may not have had otherwise. Adoption can give couples struggling with infertility a way to add a child to their family. Also, adoption is for couples and singles alike, and it provides a way to share your life with a child or children and enjoy the unique experience of parenthood! Lastly, adoption can give a deeper meaning and purpose to life and be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do!
What does adoption mean for the child? It completely changes the course of their life, and that change can be generational. The ripple effect of that is immeasurable! By providing unconditional love, support, and stability to our most vulnerable youth, you are changing the world for that child.
What's stopping you? Founder, Misty Miotto, notes, “When I ask families that are considering adoption what’s stopping them, I get a variety of different answers from finances, stability, not knowing how to get started, or the fear of the unknown. I am always shocked that so many have no idea about the amount of support that is available to them if they choose to adopt an older youth or sibling group (which are our most at-risk youth in foster care). Below I have taken the mystery out of domestic adoption from foster care and have outlined 10 easy steps that will help you get started. Under this Adoption tab you can also find our "Benefits of Domestic Adoption Tab" which outlines several of the benefits and support you will receive if you choose to adopt a child from foster care in the state of Florida.”
10 Steps to Adopting a Child from Foster Care.
1. Call 1-800-96-ADOPT to become assigned to an adoption specialist.
2. Orientation: Set up your one to two-hour orientation.
3. Preparation Course: Sign up for your 10-week preparation course
4. Home Study and Approval: This is a process that involves gathering information about your history, parenting style, and relationships; conducting reference checks; checking your home for safety; doing background checks; and more.
5. Once approved, match with your child, with assistance from the adoption specialist.
6. Full Disclosure Meeting: Learn about child's case history as well as educational and medical needs.
7. Visitations: Visitation with your Matched Child
8. Placement: Child moves into your home for a transitionary period
9. Evaluation: Evaluation and ongoing home visits by case manager
10. Finalization: After the trial period is over you can now finalize the adoption in court.
Click here for more information on adoption.
Click here to view all of Central Florida's waiting children.